Good food for eyesight improvement, you should consume regularly

Have you ever try good food for eyesight improvement?  If no, we invite you on a short journey of eyesight improvement tips. Eyes are most delicate and soft part   of our body and need some care also.  Basically the nutrients like Vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, beta-carotene, Omega 3 fatty acid, zeaxanthin and lutein are necessary for eyes.  We will include both non vegetarian and vegetarian food to improve eyesight.

In this article we’ll talk about two important things:-

1- Top good food for eyesight improvement.

2- Question asked by people on good food for eyesight improvement.

Below are given good food for eyesight improvement necessary for your eyes:-

1- Amla

Amla is considered as a miracle food in Ayurveda.  By consuming amla on daily basis you can find more than hundred diseases in your body.  It is also a good food for eyesight improvement because it is excellent source of vitamin C.  One spoon of Amla gives 7 times of daily recommended Vitamin C.  It is on a list of foods good for eye and brain.  Amla is a citrus food but can be eaten with milk and this make it unique.  Beside being amazing eyesight food it is also a best food for body health.

2-  Almonds and nuts

Almonds and nuts are great nutritious food for body and good source of protein. Almond, this good food for  eyesight improvement contain Vitamin E which card you from unstable molecules.  Other nuts like walnuts and peanuts are rich in antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acid  help in protecting our health.  Nuts good for eyes and  easy to find nearby.  In India, parents always recommend and give nuts to their children for their good health.

3- Leafy greens vegetables

Leafy green vegetable for eyes are best option you can have. Not only these vegetarian foods improves eyesight but contain several nutrients which detoxify blood and form healthy tissues in the body.  Green vegetables like Spanish are loaded with beta-carotene, Vitamin C, zeaxanthin and lutein  which protect Eyes from UV rays.  Vegetables are the gift from god we have for our body and one of the good food for eyesight improvement.

4- Carrot (good food for eyesight improvement)

This is a orange colour and easily available food for eyesight.  You can take carrot as you want,  you can directly eat it or make juice from it.  Carrot is like fruit for good eyes which is available when you want.  It has good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin E which make it a best option for good eyesight.  In Indian, homes carrot mostly eaten as dish or in salad.  Vegetarian prefer to eat carrot for their eye health.

5-  Eggs

You can consider it as non vegetarian or vegetarian food to improve eyesight.  We add this into good food for eyesight improvement list because it is loaded with lutein and Zeaxanthin  which protect Eyes from damage  and UV rays.  Eggs are also great source of protein.  Start eating 2 eggs daily you will get good amount of nutrition in the beginning of day.  Studies shows that eggs contribute in the growth of retina  and provide other nutrition benefits.  If you want to take care of your eyes start including eggs into your diet.

6- Fish

fish is a non vegetarian food to improve eyesight. It is basically eaten in coastal part of India and excellent source of Nutrition. Fish is loaded with Omega 3 fatty acid which help in building retina.  It is one of good food for eyesight improvement that you should include in your diet on weekly basis.  Fish like Tuna and Salman are famous one that you should include into your diet.

Questions raised by people on good food for eyesight improvement you should know:-

1- How to improve eyesight naturally at home?

The best way to improve eyesight naturally at home is eating healthy and eye relaxing exercise. You can include above mentioned food for eyesight improvement and practice exercise like pressing between pointing finger and middle finger it will help you to relax your eyes.

2-  which fruit juice is good for eyes?

Orange juice is best for eyes.  But in  in vegetable you can take green vegetable juice and carrot juice because they contain Vitamin A, leutin, and zeaxanthin.

3- Does quitting sugar improve eyesight?

Yes,  by quitting on limiting the sugar improve eyesight.  Eating sugar rich food can cause metabolic dysfunction and which also lead to disease related to Eyes.

4-  do carrots improve eyesight?

The short answer is yes carrot improve eyesight.  Beta carotene convert to vitamin A which is essential nutrient for eyes and carrot is rich in vitamin A.

5- Is honey good for eyes?

Honey act as sweetening agent in Manna foods  so by replacing sugar you can improve the metabolic functioning in your body. Moreover,  dry eyes also be treated by Honey just wash your eyes with water.

6- Is milk good for eyesight?

Yes, milk is good for eyesight.  Milk is known as complete food so it benefits our body.  Riboflavin present in milk help to reduce the cataract disease in Eyes.

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